About HOPE


My Story

As a new teacher, I started out my career feeling confident and prepared for about the first month or two, and then, not so much. Does that sound familiar? My first class was 35 students and 17 nationalities - first generation. The class was stacked with all kinds of issues no one had prepared me for.

I was afraid to ask for help or even ask "dumb" questions because I was so worried about what others would think of me. I was supposed to be trained for this, right?! It didn't take long for overwhelm, disorganization, exhaustion, and doubt to set in.  

Thankfully, there was one teacher on staff who "got it" and took me under her wing. With her help, I became a "ready for anything", skilled and super organized educator. Thank you, Jan!

I admit, I failed a lot as a new teacher. Who doesn't?! There is so much pressure to be fabulous right out of the gate. But the truth is... it takes time, support, and experience to become confident, skilled teachers, and really, it's a lifelong quest. I learned not to give up on myself or my students and to strive for small wins every day. 


Secrets to Success

Throughout my career, I have sought out great teachers all along the way to learn from. That's the first secret to success. The second is I KNOW I don't have all the answers [even now], and I'm not afraid to ask for help or clarification when I need it. That's my advice to all teachers out there. Find someone you can ASK.

Sometimes we can't find the support we need at our current school. It's ok. That's why I founded this business, to provide what I received. Support and mentoring.

Teaching gets harder every year. Providing mentoring, instructional coaching, and solutions for teaching literacy effectively and efficiently, managing your class and helping you get organized like never before gives me the chance to give you that same boost I received. I want every teacher to be organized, teach with confidence and find joy in their classrooms every day.

Connect with me on Instagram or Facebook and ask me all of your "dumb" questions. I'm here for you.

Teach joyfully,





Simplify, Organize and Amplify

Over the course of my career, I've become known for my systems, organization, and step-by-step methods that help make even the most overwhelming tasks simple and do-able. 

How am I able to do this?

I teach what I've personally done to find success in the classroom.  I've been in the trenches at all grade levels K-5 and have 5 kids of my own. I KNOW what it's like at each of these ages and stages both as a teacher and a parent. I understand the challenges you face each day and can help you reach both students and their families. 

Guess what!? I'm not a naturally organized person. Shocking, right?! I've had to learn how to organize and create effective systems. If I can do it, you can do it!

Keeping What Works

I'm not a fan of bandwagons and fads. However, much of the education world is. It's easy to get caught up in the next great thing and throw out the good with the bad.

You're already doing great things. Keeping the great stuff, figuring out your strengths and gifts, and capitalizing on all that makes teaching so much more fun. You and your personality are what make your classroom and teaching special. It's time to make that a priority. 

Creating Sustainability

Self-care and family time are hallmarks of what I teach. As teachers, we MUST rest and recharge regularly in order to show up 100% for our students and for our own families. There's no joy in burnout. 

Contrary to popular belief, teachers can and should take most of their evenings and weekends off. I can show you how to do that without sacrificing excellence in your teaching.

So, are you ready? More time, more joy, less stress, better organization, simple systems, and lots more. Get started with one of my free guides.





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